Case Study
Home . Case Studies . Saudi Tickets

Saudi Tickets

The Challenges:

When we start building the Ticketing solution. Our main concerns were:

1- Highly Availability: we need the solution to be high available.

2- Fault Tolerance: the solution cant goes down for any reason. and we need to make it nearly 100% up all the time.

3- Scalability: the solution will server all tickets for the Saudi Season. expecting more than 1 Million users in the 1st year.

4- Security: the main focus point is the data security either at rest or in transit.

5- Performance: The solution needs the best performance from either the technology and the infrastructure.

The Infrastructure (AWS):

Why AWS:

We are using ASP.NET Core 3.1 Programming Language for below advantages :

- Security: It is from the .NET family with the highest protection of sites from any attempts to hack.

- Speed: It is 859 times faster than ASP.NET

- Modernity: It is the latest language released in 2017 and its latest update 3.1 was issued in 2020

The Technology (.NET Core):

To get the best performance with secure environment the needs for .NET Core technology